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Old 11-01-2017, 06:10 AM   #98
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Default Re: The Vision of the Age, the Ministry of the Age, and the Minister of the

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
If there is a sect or sects then by definition there must be a group that is not a sect from which the sects came out of. For Catholicism it is the Catholic church, for us it is the church in the city as the practical Body life, what is it for you? How do you define the (practical) body of Christ of which (you say) every church is (as you say) a sect?
This is a thought provoking consideration Evangelical poses.

If there are sects then what are they a sect of or from?

It seems that the majority opinion of posters in this forum is that divisions and sects are normal. When awareness says “You’re all sects” he is bringing to the top of the table that unstated view that lives under the table..... and no one seems to mind.

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