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Old 10-31-2017, 06:51 PM   #77
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Default Re: The Vision of the Age, the Ministry of the Age, and the Minister of the

Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah View Post
How absurd. Paul rebuked Peter. Was rebuking Peter equal to rebuking Christ? Of course not.

Likewise Witness Lee rebuked Paul (he said that he was in error when he went to Jerusalem to perform the Nazarite vow). Does that mean that WL was rejecting Christ because he was rejecting what Paul did? Of course not. This is an idiotic argument.
You can't have it both ways - if a person like Paul is a minister of Christ, then rejection of that person is rejection of Christ. If a person ministers Christ then any rejection of that person is a rejection of Christ, not the person. It does not make sense to say as you are, that Paul was a minister of Christ yet rejection of Paul is not rejection of Christ.

If you preach the gospel to someone and they don't accept it, are they rejecting you or Christ?

I think we would say rejecting Christ, because as a minister of Christ it is Him they are rejecting, not you.

How then can you say that rejecting Paul, or Witness Lee, is not rejecting Christ, if they are ministers of Christ?

In the example you gave, if Peter did not listen to Paul, it would be rejection of Christ. Christ obviously used Paul to rebuke Peter.

Similarly, according to the Bible child disobeying their parents or disobeying the government would be equivalent to disobeying God. Romans 13:4 - They are God's servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.

Rejection of God's prophets, rejection of the apostles/disciples, these are all examples of rejecting God. We cannot reject all these servants of God and then claim to be obeying God.
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