10-31-2017, 03:34 PM
Join Date: Aug 2016
Posts: 3,965
Re: Smoking Gun?
Originally Posted by awareness
I got in trouble, and stirred up all the sisters, who stirred up their husband, stirring up a ruckus, when I pointed out Peter was naked. The response was, "No he wasn't." And when the preacher confirmed it the remark was, "Why would they put that in the Bible?"
Later, after getting home, the preacher called me, quite upset, and that's when I was told I was feeding meat to milk drinkers.
The motto of the church was, "No book but the Bible, no creed but Christ." They believe the Bible is the inerrant inspired word of God, but have little interest in reading what they believe is Gods' very own words. I don't get it. Eventually I was run out of that church. (Will it ever end?) I was speaking out of their comfort zone.
But in their defense. Here, in Ky, I've heard from many believers that, they believe the preacher speaks for God. So the Bible isn't all that important. All they have to do is listen to the preacher. Ring a bell?
As to why the Spirit isn't teaching them, maybe they aren't listening.
Thanks for your reply brother Evangelical. Blessings.
Well you were right about the nakedness and it was usual for prophets to strip naked before prophesying.