Originally Posted by zeek
If you believe Watchman Nee and/or Witness Lee were or are the unique ministers of the age that's fine for you. No problem. When you insist that others believe it in order for them to fellowship with you, you have become a sect. You have divided the Body of Christ.
The bottom line — the gospel preached by the LRC is of man — WN and WL. It isn’t the gospel of Jesus Christ. Sad thing is it isn’t even another gospel, it is simply the perversion of the gospel of Jesus Christ. And they are condemned because after receiving this perverted gospel they separate themselves from other Christians and will no longer take the Lord’s table with them.
Now we know we are not justified by changing our name, or sitting in a building with a different name, but rather we are justified by faith in the Lord’s redeeming blood. They know they didn’t receive the Spirit by changing their name, no, they received the Spirit by the hearing of faith.
These are weak and beggarly elements that they have chosen to put them into bondage. The LRC church is a bondwoman to LSM.