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Old 10-30-2017, 05:10 PM   #24
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 174
Default Re: The Vision of the Age, the Ministry of the Age, and the Minister of the

Please define 'the age'.” #14
I think of ages in terms of what God wants to accomplish. It is not necessarily referring to a time period, although what God wants to accomplish occurs in space and time, an age to me refers to neither. Peter was the minister of the age for what God wanted to accomplish at Pentecost, but then later Paul was the ministry of the age with what God wanted to accomplish with Paul. Luther did something and then Darby, then Nee, then Lee. There may be a stock standard definition for an "age" in one of Lee or Nee's books, but that's my perspective.” #15
In my recollection the "age" was defined by the truth being released. So if the truth being released is "justification by faith" then that is the age. Once that truth is established you might move onto a new truth.” #18

Thank you for the replies to my request- (Please define 'the age').
Evangelical’s definition of ‘the age’ is what he thinks it is …
ZNPaaneah’s definition of ‘the age’ is what in his recollection was …

E and Z, can any one or both of you say your definition of ‘the age’ is a/are bible record(s)?
Drake, please show bible record of ‘the age’.

Another request: can anyone
Please define ‘minister of the age’ and ‘ministers of the age’.
Drake, please show bible record(s) of ‘minister of the age’ and ‘ministers of the age’. If you like, please show two versions; one 'bible record of mota' and another 'LSM mota'.

Thank you.
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