Thread: Smoking Gun?
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Old 10-30-2017, 04:58 PM   #272
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Default Re: Smoking Gun?

Originally Posted by Meribah View Post
While there is truly only ONE mediator between GOD and man (our precious Lord Jesus), the LC has another mediator--one between them and the Word. So, from the ground up you have everyday saints, WL, the Word, Jesus, and God. Only WL could rightly divide the Word. Only WL can "see" the deeper things. Only WL's version is acceptable. This is the applied infallibility that I discussed--and it DOES exist. If it did not, there would be no need to remove things from the writing/speaking of WL that don't mesh with what is appropriate. They could leave it and just say, "Well, he is human and could NOT have been right about everything."
Don Rutledge from Dallas relayed a story which occurred during the New Way. During fellowship one of Lee's adherents (Paul Hon?) talked about the flow from the throne in the Recovery -- "First the Father, then the Son, then the Spirit, then Brother Lee, ..."

When asked who was #5, he couldn't answer, since that would have to be Philip Lee, since all the other elders and co-workers (the future Blendeds) had to submit to him.

But, by all accounts, Phillip was not even saved, so what happened to the flow from the throne?

And they used to condemn the Catholics because of the Pope.
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