Re: Smoking Gun?
I suspect that the problems with the link may have sprung up in response to "someone" having read that this link was being used and , therefore, a "problem" arose. You get my drift.
While the Chinese conform to authority readily (and far too much, in my opinion), amazingly there seem to be many Americans doing the same and enjoying it. Some people enjoy being told what is right so that they do not have to think. And then they enjoy even more being told that only THEY are right for letting someone else tell them what is right. Crazy.
While I have not chosen to say that it is a cult in the sense that most think of when talking about cults, it IS definitely a cult of personality. Just think, though, WL has now had to face the Lord Jesus with all that he did--as we will. He has NOT gotten by with what he did and said. We know this. Those hurt by him can rest in this. The Lord's judgment is perfect and he is not ever fooled. Amen.
While there is truly only ONE mediator between GOD and man (our precious Lord Jesus), the LC has another mediator--one between them and the Word. So, from the ground up you have everyday saints, WL, the Word, Jesus, and God. Only WL could rightly divide the Word. Only WL can "see" the deeper things. Only WL's version is acceptable. This is the applied infallibility that I discussed--and it DOES exist. If it did not, there would be no need to remove things from the writing/speaking of WL that don't mesh with what is appropriate. They could leave it and just say, "Well, he is human and could NOT have been right about everything."
Standing between the saints and the Word is WL's interpretation shown in those awful, boring, sometimes really dumb and redundant footnotes. Gosh! How I h.a.t.e.d. Bible-reading with the saints! It went like this: read a prepositional phrase, read five footnotes; read another prepositional phrase, read three footnotes, etc. etc. Yawn. I once suggested that we all just read straight through the Word and THEN read the footnotes and not one other saint agreed to do so--they are THAT much in bondage to what WL has to say! And then we have those Life-Studies. Bigger yawn. The only things worth reading in there are those things from other saints. Now, mind you, these saints have to have been dead at least 100 years in order to be accepted and valued. No current saint-leader could be incorporated--because they probably "had nothing for him". Truth is, he probably did not dare quote anyone living lest some of his flock leave and follow THEM.
So, there may be only ONE mediator between God and man, but there is another sneaky little fellow serving as mediator between saints and the Word. The Word is Christ. And so, we just might have a mediator (Pope?) between man and Christ! An awful thing. If you cut saints off at the Word, you have total control.
When I was growing up in an evangelical church, some of us young people would ask, "How can newly saved people learn about the Lord enough from the Bible if no one is there to teach them?" They answered, "The Lord is faithful to guide a seeker to the food he needs in the Bible for his maturity level at that time." Made sense then. Makes sense now. I reject any mediator between me and the Word. Everyone else should also.