Thread: Smoking Gun?
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Old 10-30-2017, 08:51 AM   #260
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Default Re: Smoking Gun?

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
And anyone that resists the "morphing" will be eliminated!
I didn't use that term back then, but that's exacting what I thought was happening when the MOTA thing came along : Morphing. Being a Bible thumper I termed it falling into Laodicea.

I can't tell you all the hours I spent praying over it. I honestly felt the Lord wanted me to do all I could to prevent it.

Fat chance. It was time that the rank and file fall in line under the one supreme leader.

I was reading books on oneness back then. I saw clearly that the ground of oneness wasn't living up to its claims.

I don't remember now which book it was, maybe "The Spirit of Love" but William Law pointed out, in a nutshell, that, we're all one in the Spirit but, it is brotherly love that works it out.

So I thought we were falling out of Philadelphia into Laodicea. I went around sharing what Law said about brotherly love. It fell on deaf ears.

Those were the days when we were to fall in line with the supreme leader. That's what it was all about.

And so, me, a brother speaking about brotherly love, me, a brother that loved Christ and the Church, me, a brother that loved God and the Bible, me, a brother that loved Nee and Lee, me, a burning brother, got booted out for not accepting the MOTA Flow of Oneness.

That's right, in those days the MOTA doctrine came down from Anaheim as : "The Flow of Oneness."

Weren't we standing on that already? That wasn't enough. And brotherly love wasn't enough. Now we had to declare brotherLee love too. And good burning brothers like me, and many others, were pushed off 'the ground of oneness' over the new ground of oneness : Witness Lee as the MOTA.

That wasn't just a little bit divisive. Now we weren't only one with all Christians in the city, we weren't even one with our own members.

And talk about divisive. I have it from good authority, from the brother that caused it, a early Elden Hall brother. A couple years or so after I left the Church in Ft. Lauderdale, they had a meeting that almost broke out into a fist fight over the MOTA.

The end result. Those loyal to the MOTA, around 40 of them, left and declared the ground in Boca Raton. And after 3 decades they are still there. All 40 of them, minus some that have passed. And last time I checked, the church in Ft. Lauderdale isn't list as a local church by LSM.

"The Flow of Oneness?" Bahahahahahaha
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