Thread: Smoking Gun?
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Old 10-30-2017, 07:59 AM   #259
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Default Re: Smoking Gun?

Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah View Post
That is why it doesn't make sense to me. Nee was obviously an educated, intelligent man who knew how to expound the Bible. He taught that when you teach the word you have to discern between the black and white teaching and teachings based on types and shadows. Nee taught that you can't use types and shadows to build a teaching, only to support and develop a black and white teaching from the NT.

So then, how could the centerpiece of his ministry, the teaching he would have spent the most time speaking on and defending, how is this teaching based on types and shadows and inferences?
Nee was convinced, possibly by Chinese xenophobic sentiments, that the churches should be local, so-called Antioch style, based exclusively on Revelations chapters 2 and 3. This all changed in the end when Nee adopted the Jerusalem principle, with centralized authority over all LC's. Lee in the US also made the same transition, starting out with Antioch and ending with Jerusalem. Localism in today's LC's is merely a ruse.

Concerning the MOTA paradigm, Nee's book The Normal Christian Church Life was spoken/written by Nee before his excommunication in the 1930's. His book Spiritual Authority was spoken/written after his return to ministry in the late 1940's. Nee went thru serious changes while in ministerial exile. Types and shadows were then used when plain scripture was lacking. Lee also passed thru the same transition, initially during the January 1974 elders training and finalizing during the "New Way."
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