Thread: Smoking Gun?
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Old 10-30-2017, 04:58 AM   #249
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Default Re: Smoking Gun?

Originally Posted by zeek View Post
I'm not going to tear down what Ron Kangas and others are doing. But, don't deceive yourselves into thinking that the realization that Witness Lee was the unique minister of the age was something that dawned independently in the minds of people in the local churches. No. He explicitly claimed the mantle of MOTA in messages that were shared among the brothers, I being one of them. That's a fact that has been suppressed. Why?

But, the real problem came when brothers were ousted from meeting with the church because they didn't accept the Lee-as-MOTA doctrine. That was a violation of the principle of the ground of oneness, the very principle upon which the local churches were supposed to be established. At that moment if not before the local churches became sectarian. Is Christ divided? Was Witness Lee crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Witness Lee?

If the leaders have ever acknowledged their error in making belief in Lee as MOTA a condition of fellowship, I am unaware of it. Instead, I read of their quarantine of other speakers and churches, and their setting up LSM as their sole sanctioned publisher and suing Christians who disagree with them. Where's the oneness?
I agree with this. I was told specifically by Joe Davis (elder in Houston and now a BB) that "we" do not teach anything other than what WL teaches. It does not matter if it is true or not, if WL doesn't teach it we don't.

I also heard Ray Graver repeatedly teach that WL was the MOTA with a wink of the eye as though this was some secret understanding that those in the know had.

I was also told specifically when working with LSM to edit transcripts that Ben McPherson and others in that work would specifically edit out comments made by WL that were not appropriate for the written ministry. However, I am unable to fulfill Drake's request for a specific example of editing out comments by WL that he was the MOTA because I do not have any audio or video tapes of messages.

I remember specifically during the Ephesians training WL talked about how we were all "apostles" and "prophets". If we speak for God then we are a prophet. If we are sent to speak to a person, then we are an apostle. In that context he was referred to as "The Apostle" by many, and frequently after that the label stuck.
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