Thread: Smoking Gun?
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Old 10-29-2017, 10:33 AM   #237
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: Smoking Gun?

Originally Posted by awareness View Post
Thanks least. Maybe it's me but I can't find anything about either Minister of the Age, or Ministers, on their How come?
It was edited out at the time of the printing. Yes, if you have video tapes or audio tapes you would have heard extensive teaching on this, but the leaders knew that this was "the smoking gun" that would tie them to damnable heresies, hence it was edited out of their written work. These books often took six moths to become available so many people were unaware of the editing process taking place.

Even Drake agreed that this doctrine is divisive and that it would be unreasonable to think that all Christians worldwide would accept it. But he justified this with verses in the Gospel where Jesus says that if you refuse to confess Him in this age then He'll deny you at the judgement seat, likewise if you do confess Him in this age Jesus will testify concerning you in the coming age. Based on this context He continues saying that He understood taking a stand for Jesus would cause dissension in the family. Finally, He concludes that if you love fathers or sons more than Him you aren't worthy of Him.

Now Drake uses these verses to justify separating from other Christians over the doctrine that WL was the Minister of this recent age commissioned to release the truth concerning the Ground of the Church.

To my understanding this doctrine is a case of "loving WL and WN" more than the Lord. Dividing themselves from other Christians over something other than Jesus Christ indicates to me they aren't worthy of Jesus. That is how I read these verses. I am still waiting for Drake to respond to post #223 and give us his spin.
They shall live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God
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