Originally Posted by awareness
LSM & Co. don't hold to the MOTA doctrine any longer. In fact, I heard they are scrubbing any reference to it from all Lee publications.
But of course. If Lee was the MOTA, if the Lord has a minister in every age, who is it now? No one. If the MOTA doctrine was/is something God has been doing, according to them, now God has changed His mind and plan, and no longer has a MOTA.
As a result LSM & Co. can no longer teach the MOTA doctrine. That's why they are working to remove it from all Lee publications.
Now they are pushing the Blended Brother's doctrine. Cuz now God is doing the Blended thing. Haha ... Just who do they think they are fooling? First they say -- from Nee by the way -- God has a MOTA, and now, after Nee and Lee are gone, God no longer has a MOTA. Haha again. What a joke!
How can any except the most gullible and credulous buy into it? Maybe they don't know about or admit to the MOTA doctrine taught by Nee and Lee. That's possible. And even more possible if Kangas removes all references to it from both LSM Nee and Lee documentation. I think that cat is already out of the bag. Ya can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. Because they've been unable to keep a lid on The One Publication, at least not all Nee docs can be scrubbed. Kangas can, however, scrub it from all Lee publications, since Lee is LSM's exclusive domain.
1.) LSM owns copyright to Lee's works, LSM gets the monies from selling Lee's works (in print or digital version); but LSM the publisher has no right to edit/alter the dead author's works. Lee is dead. Similarly applied to Nee's work (but I don't know how much copyright LSM has over Nee's work). There are others publishing Nee’s writings. None has the right to edit/alter Nee’s writings except Nee himself. Nee is dead.
2.) In a FB post dated Sept.
2017 SoCal Blending Conference
“The Vision of the Age”,
“The Ministry of the Age”, and
“The Ministers of the Age”.
If now is the LSM time of the ministers (plural) of the age, and no longer the time of the minister (singular) of the age, as MOTA now stands for Ministry Of The Age and Ministers Of The Age (according to LSM); I pity the one who is fighting so hard to defend the MOTA (as if is defending his beloved Bro. Lee, which previously LSM promoted to be the minister of the age of the ministry of the age).
MOTA - Ministry Of The Age
MOTA - Minister Of The Age (had been LSM promoted WL, outdated in 2017)
MOTA - Ministers Of The Age (newest LSM/LC flow. If you don't know, pay the LSM blended brothers to tell you in their hundreds of thousands of pages publications and training sessions and conferences.)
Read LSM, listen to LSM. Pay LSM. ONLY LSM. To get the vision of the age.
If anyone wants to walk with Christ, know Him and make Him known, then read the Bible and listen to God's dear son. By oneself and together with the ones who read the Bible and listen to God's dear son.