Originally Posted by Meribah
Question: It has never occurred to me even remotely to go on to the sites or forums of those sharing their sorrows and hurts about a past experience to try and argue them down from their perspective or feelings--or even their errors (unless it would mean that they will not be saved if they continue). So, what is the real reason for Drake and Evangelical to come on this site so often throughout the day to fight and counterpoint about the experiences of all those here? Are they paid to do this? Are they FTTA trainees assigned to this task? They do puzzle me. Drake and Evang, what do you answer? Just curious.
I think you need not fret that there is some sort of conspiracy. I probably do not know Evangelical and he probably does not know me. Neither am I part of an FTTA hit squad and judging from Evangelical’s entries neither is he.
My views are my own. To me, it looks like Evangelical has his own views too.
Now to clarify your charges. I do not argue with the experiences of others. I challenge false narratives about what Witness Lee taught or what the local churches teach or practice. I point out fallacies in argumentation when I see them. I will bring in my perspective about historical events or impressions as I see or saw them because I believe it is important for everyone to see it through another set of eyes. They may not like what they see but it is a truthful account. Last but not least, I care. I care for those that are stuck in the decades old mistakes that others made and cannot move on from it. I care for those that were genuinely hurt by someone directly. And I care for those that mean well but cannot find the way to express their viewpoints in the brotherly way they probably wish they could.
And nope... not a penny to do this. You get this and more for free!