Thread: Smoking Gun?
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Old 10-27-2017, 11:45 AM   #192
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Default Re: Smoking Gun?

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
In the same principle, those who follow the call for the oneness of the believers may cause a similar unprovoked division. Yet, they must be faithful to what the Lord has shown them concerning the practical oneness of the believers even if it appears to be creating a division. If it is the Lord then we have to be faithful.
With LSM's long history of quarantines, excommunications, and divisions, aren't you even ashamed to mention the "practical oneness of the believers?"

"If it is the Lord then we have to be faithful?" Then why do so many of the Blendeds make comments about being faithful to Witness Lee, and are worried about how they will face Witness Lee in the next age? They are merely parroting the same comment Lee used to make about being faithful to Watchman Nee, and how he will give an account to Nee in the next age.
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