Thread: Smoking Gun?
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Old 10-27-2017, 10:31 AM   #187
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Default Re: Smoking Gun?

ZNP>”Fair enough, in order to accept that Witness Lee is the "Minister of the Age" requires that you both agree that there is such a thing as "the Ministry of the Age" as defined by LSM and that in this age this ministry involves the release of the truth concerning "the ground of the church" again defined by LSM.

I agree. If anyone does not agree with this then we can debate the point but it is an accurate descriptor. It’s fair game.

ZNP>”This is another issue I have with this doctrine, it is divisive. It is not reasonable to think all Christians would accept those two points as being true. This is just another example of how this doctrine denies Jesus who redeemed us. The only requirement for you to meet in oneness with the church is that you have been redeemed by Jesus, but now you add this whole Ministry of the Age doctrine which you must receive to receive that WL was the Minister of the Age, which you must receive to accept that he is "the apostle" who appoints elders and takes the lead in this ministry.”

I recall the Lord saying something to the effect of bringing in a dividing. For instance, many through their believing in the Lord Jesus and becoming christians divided their personal relationships with unbelieving loved ones yet they must be faithful to the Lords revealing Himself to them as their Savior. In the same principle, those who follow the call for the oneness of the believers may cause a similar unprovoked division. Yet, they must be faithful to what the Lord has shown them concerning the practical oneness of the believers even if it appears to be creating a division. If it is the Lord then we have to be faithful.

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