Thread: Smoking Gun?
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Old 10-27-2017, 05:57 AM   #169
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Default Re: Smoking Gun?

Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah View Post
In my experience it was Ray Graver who was the most vocal and explicit in this "rule". Witness Lee would frequently "rebuke" saints for saying this from the pulpit, but I always thought that if he was serious about rebuking them it would stop immediately.

That said Witness Lee did teach that Luther was the "Minister of the Age", that Watchman Nee was the "minister of the Age" and that in every age the Lord is releasing some truth -- Justification by faith or ground of the church. He said that WN was releasing the truth of the "ground of the church" in this age and that he was carrying on that ministry. Hence Ray Graver was correct in connecting the dots and claiming that WL was the Minister of this age. Ironically WL was also correct in condemning this teaching that he was the MOTA.
Ok.... that dismisses the notion that he ruled.

And I have no objection to pointing out the obvious pattern in both church and biblical history that the Lord raises up someone to lead his move in that age. Why wouldn’t He? Watchman makes a compelling case for “minister of the age”.

The epiphany I had from recent comments in this forum, is that the term “Minister of the Age” or “MOTA” was never invoked by the man who allegedly used it to grab the reigns of power, but rather he rebuked those did apply it to him, and yet it has become a favorite whip of opposers who introduced the term and jawboned it till it became an assumption that he used the term and created an office like POTUS, except in the church.

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