Thread: Smoking Gun?
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Old 10-27-2017, 03:46 AM   #165
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Default Re: Smoking Gun?

Drake is using the common tactic of the LC when cornered with their zany terminology and beliefs-- asking for a direct quote from WL himself in writing-- about himself. WL was a Wiley man. He would NEVER write this about himself but, rather, would glory in the roar of his "crowd" who desired to make him "emperor"--MOTA. He let those around him say what he wanted to be said about him so that it was said and taught but allowed him to wear a cloak of false humility and escape being caught in his own words. Let's face it-- even if those around him were saying what he didn't want said, he could have stopped it at any time. He had absolute and unquestioned authority.

Drake's request for a direct reference to WL saying this word for word about himself is merely a last ditch effort to conceal the truth. WL knew this was being said, enjoyed it, and never publicly spoke out against it. This is proof enough.
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