Thread: Smoking Gun?
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Old 10-27-2017, 03:26 AM   #164
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Default Re: Smoking Gun?

Originally Posted by Drake View Post

I’m still missing the term “Minister of the Age” or the acronym MOTA from Brother Lee’s writings.

MOTA is being presented in this forum like POTUS, like an office and the highest one in the land or in the church. An office like that, were it to exist in the church, would be mentioned at least someplace by the person that holds it.

Drake, you're playing with us.

Lee regularly told us that Luther, Darby, and Nee were Ministers of the Age.

Then all the Blendeds began calling him the Minister of the Age.

This is all common knowledge. Have you read what's in those links?

You have been there 40 plus years, and now you pretend it never happened.

Why don't you take these posts to the next ITERO and see what they say to you.
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