Re: Smoking Gun?
InChristAlone>"There are a couple of things that my wife was not able to explain:
1 If Christ became life-giving spirit after His resurrection, then Who had He been before that? Isn't God spirit? Hasn't He always given life, being the source of it? What is the difference in Christ's spirit before and after His resurrection?
2 What is the essence of Christ as the life-giving spirit? Is it divine? If so, how divine essence can interact with human nature, body and soul? How can human nature mingle with divine essence and "stay alive", without turning into the divine essence?
Well, my questions do not mean that WL didn't have the answers. So, please forgive my ignorance. "
These are very thoughtful questions and I welcome a thoughtful dialogue on them. I will wait until after your next post.
If applicable, it might be better to start a new thread but either way is fine.