Thread: Smoking Gun?
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Old 10-26-2017, 09:24 AM   #148
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Default Re: Smoking Gun?

Look, WL was a stubborn man who bullied others into parroting only what HE said and doing what HE wanted to whomever. He was, again, a bully, and the title MOTA certainly paved the way for his rule.

I do not believe and have never believed that he received any Revelation from the Lord to do these types of things. His behavior does not reflect the behavior of Our Lord. Our Lord would have left the ninety and nine and gone and gotten the one lost sheep. Our Lord bound up the brokenhearted and lifted their burdens. He went in search of the poor, the hurting, the damaged, and all of those that WL would refer to as poor building material. Our Lord was a man of consummate kindness and compassion who served others. It is not serving others merely to get up and speak. Serving is many actions. And these actions should be displayed in every arena in which our Lord displayed his actions of kindness and compassion.

It is supremely interesting to note that during all the time I was in the LC, I never heard one testimony of any saint receiving any kind of shepherding care for his financial needs, his physical needs, or his emotional needs from WL. No one ever repeated his many acts of kindness. They only spoke of his revelation and speaking as well as his admonishment and discipline. As they say in the secular world, not my hero.
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