Re: Smoking Gun?
Originally Posted by leastofthese
The influence of Watchman Nee is far greater than Witness Lee. Witness Lee sought to humble brag his way into influence... but outside of his circle of yes-men, he has been the opposite of popular. I have found that the leadership in my locality loved to take credit (on behalf of their leader) for different positive aspects of modern Christianity. I found/find this hilarious - but not surprising.
For example - Taking credit for the non denominational church movement. Taking credit for increased discussion in regards to the Holy Spirit in the church. Before Witness Lee it was just the nasty Pentecostals talking about the holy spirit - most people don't know that. 
LeastofThese, are you saying that every positive development in the entire body of Christ during the last 70 years should NOT be directly credited to Witness Lee, the consummate Minister of the Age?
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