Originally Posted by Drake
Where does it say in that statement that the three Persons of the Godhead “exist for” that purpose. They are for that purpose. Perhaps it will help if you post the relevant sections of the outline before or after.
Since God is triune then anything God does will be done in a triune way. Since the church is God’s purpose hidden in Him since eternity past then of course the three Persons of the Godhead are for that purpose and the church is produced from the interaction of all three in the Godhead.
It seems you are objecting to something so obvious and rational that I think you must be misunderstanding the statement.
F. The existence of the universe is according to God’s eternal purpose to have the church—Rev. 4:11; Eph. 3:9-11:
1. The full revelation of the Scriptures unveils to us that all things in the universe are for the church—v. 9.
2. Even the three persons of the Godhead are for the divine purpose of having the church to fulfill God’s eternal plan through the dispensing of God in His Divine Trinity into humanity so that the church may come into existence—1:3-23; Matt. 28:19; 16:18; 2 Cor. 13:14; 1:1.
3. The heavens, the earth, a multitude of other things, and the tripartite man are required in order that the church may exist to express God; without these things God cannot have the church in the universe to be His corporate expression—Zech. 12:1; Rev. 4:11.
If they are talking about the obvious you mentioned, don't see why they use the word "even".