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Old 05-07-2009, 09:52 PM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 67
Default J. Gordon Melton

I noticed that Melton the lead apologist for LSM during the godmen trial, is also known for defending groups such as Aum Shinrikyo, the Family (Children of God), People's temple, and Scientology. In addition it would also seem that they're might be a certain level of colusion between him and said groups, (they ask him for help, he helps them). All of this makes him look like a somewhat unsavoury person.

With that question in mind I was wondering if anybody knew under what circumstances, Melton was brought into help LSM during the godmen situation (did he approach LSM or the other way around)? also what was history like back then?

I ask this not because I believe that the mindbender/godmen are true (I haven't read them, but I do get the impression that they are mostly baseless.) I was simply wondering whether questionable methods were used to disprove them (besides the courts of course).

Also I have no interest in vampirism or whether or not someone is an expert in it.
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