Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 05-07-2009, 08:26 AM   #1320
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 42
Default Re: The LCS Factor

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
And as to my "strong verbose response to your quoting of scripture" you completely missed the thrust of my post(s). I acknowledged that what you actually wrote was good. I did appreciate the verses. But they were almost completely disjointed from the quote that preceded it. So there were two major things in your post. First, a quote from a few months back with a note that it had been some time. Then came the rest of your post. I made no specific comment about your quoting of scripture. If you choose to mis-characterize my response in this manner, it is simply further evidence of the nature of this thread and what it has done to so many of us. It underscores the reason that this thread should be locked. If you want to ask about John's challenge, start a new thread. If you want to dig into anything about what the accounts of BlessD and JulieP might tell us beyond their actual facts, start a thread. (I dread the latter because, even with no former elder around it will require a thorough revelation of details and I don't think that those sisters really want that. And I don't blame them.)

I am glad to know that you did appreciate the verses I quoted from Nehemiah. Actually they do fit well with my original post, asking John Anderson regarding his posts #1303 and 1304, in which he defends his wife and family and requests that Don R. actually read The Thread of Gold before making judgments regarding Jane and her personality/character.

Your quite flippant demands that I "start a new thread" and assumption that I would like to "dig deeper" into the accounts of these second-generation LC members is off the wall and a gross "mis-characterization of my response" -- to use your own words.

You have your opinion that "this thread needs to be locked" but that is just what it is-- your opinion. I agree with Unto and his statement of "maybe there is still a lot to be gained here, that is if cooler heads prevail. Remember 'you can listen as well as you hear'".

It would be generous of you to back off from your accusations of ulterior motives and allow others to read and post on this thread as they are led.
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