Thread: Smoking Gun?
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Old 10-23-2017, 01:59 AM   #108
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Default Re: Smoking Gun?

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
And ..... there it is.., post 95.

You know Evangelical this is the proof point to the situation I mentioned earlier. It is very difficult for a person to have rationale conversation if they have never processed an experience and allowed the Lord to heal them. So they fall back on the only thing they know. Therefore, a conversation will, most of the time, end up in the same place... PL, John Ingalls, Titus Chu.. The answer to everything. Does not matter what the topic is.

But ... Drake ... This is the "smoking gun" thread is it not?

You have to cut me some slack. Huh?

By your logic, since WL and the Blendeds have condemned all of Christianity their entire lives, they have "never processed the experience, or allowed the Lord to heal them."
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