Originally Posted by Ohio
Have you studied what W. Nee and early Lee have said about becoming God?
And no, I don't get my teachings from Benny Hinn. Have you ever watched him prance around the stage knocking over people who supposedly got healed, but no one could verify it?
Actually, now that you mention it, W. Lee began teaching this "high peak" stuff during the midst of the turmoils in the late 80's-early 90's. It was quite the diversionary tactic, don't you think? Oh that's right, you weren't around in those days to know what happened. 
Therein lies the hypocrisy when many Christians in evangelical, pentecostal and charimsatic circles are following Benny Hinn and others teaching the
same things that Lee/Nee taught regarding man becoming God and
you choose to connect the Local Churches to
aberrant cults like the Mormons because you know that is an easy sell and makes it look worse than it actually is.
But an objective and fair person would consider that the doctrine is also prevalent in the word-faith movement, the Orthodox and the early church and consider that it is not a teaching confined to the Mormon church and "similar cults".