Originally Posted by Drake
The last category is concerning the work and it is here where the fiercest allegations arise and in some cases with legitimate objections. For example, there is no question that mistakes were made when it came to Philip Lee in the management of LSM office. At minimum a workplace harassment should have been filed. If the worst allegations were verified it should have resulted In engaging law enforcement.
From those who met Philip Lee and have recorded their experiences around him, we must draw comparisons with Harvey Weinstein, recently occupying the news cycle. It was common knowledge that Philip was a hot-tempered, fleshly man, who had little respect for other people. None of this was hidden from his own father, who heard the gross stories of his behavior for decades. We don't know what was said between the two in private, but we do know that Philip was never disciplined or removed from power, rather his victims were relocated to other cities. The actions of the father could not be defined as a single "misstep," since they occurred over a lengthy period of time.
Originally Posted by Drake
PLs actions never defined my experience of Christ. The misstep his father made in trusting his son did not define my experience of Christ and the Church. The difference between me and others on this matter is that I processed the experience and moved on. Others never moved on and are stuck in events of decades ago.
Drake, your comment that PL's actions "
did not define my experience of Christ," assumes that our cries for justice are not an experience of Christ. You also said "
the difference between me and others on this matter is that I processed the experience and moved on." This indicates that you were an LSM insider, who was informed of the facts of the case, and decided they were not significant. Lucky for you. The rest of us around the globe were purposely kept in the dark from the facts, and lied to in order to coverup crimes. We never got to make that decision. Then referring to some of us, "
Others never moved on and are stuck in events of decades ago." In my case, I believed these lies for 15 years, then learned the sordid details in 2005 when I exited the LC's.
Other objections around the quarantine of individuals and churches need to be reviewed case by case. I also loved these brothers who were dismissed from the work but I also understand why it happened and the manner in which it went down. Others see it differently and I respect that but we just have to agree to disagree in most cases.
It was the public quarantines, false accusations, and smearing the reputations of godly men that troubled me the most. Lee forced everyone to publicly choose sides, with him in unrighteousness, or expelled for having a conscience. Perhaps you loved John Ingalls and others, but you never came to their aid. You assented to the allegations of a Kangaroo Court. John Ingalls and others received the same kind of "justice" as the Lord Jesus got standing before the High Priest and Pilate.