Re: Smoking Gun?
Drake- thx for that detailed explanation of how you view it- gives me some things to chew on… You mention that the Lord’s Recovery began with Luther. I’m certainly no world class historian, and it seems pretty obvious that Luther did indeed make a dramatic and costly stand- and things changed in the “Christian world” at large from him on. But… (and here’s where my lack of history possibly kicks in…), weren’t there groups that stayed faithful to the Word even through the dark ages? I believe the Anabaptists were one? (Maybe others?) So how would WN/WL view these faithful brethren? Were they part of the Recovery? Pre-Recovery? (It strikes me that it perhaps almost parallels OT Israel- as small as it may have been at times- there ALWAYS remained a remnant that remained faithful to God?) So the Reformation took off and grew over time- and MAAAAAAAANY Godly teachers have come and gone in the last few hundred years. WL et al would seriously claim that THE VAST MAJORITY OF TEACHERS since Luther (I believe I’ve caught wind of a small list of others that are approved by LC?) are wrong and have missed the theological boat? I’m not trying to be rude, but that seems an enormously wide-sweeping, self-serving, prideful claim to me. Only the LC has “true truth’? Only they have it right? That seems scarily elitist and unbiblical to me. (I want to clarify here- in my few visits to the LC I have not caught the slightest hint of this elitism- and the few folks I’ve gotten to know actually seem to refer to other believers as such. But it does concern me if this is truly an ongoing teaching of the LC?)
Ohio- I think I’ve seen the “God become man- man become God” stuff sorta written off as simply WL’s way of referring to “being conformed to the image of Christ”? Maybe commonly referred to as sanctification or Christian maturity? The Word obviously teaches that we are to become more like Christ. And after death what EXACTLY can we expect? “Eye has not seen…” etc… I’m DEFINITELY not saying we will “become God”- (only He is worthy of worship and is totally holy, etc…) there will always be some sort of clear distinction between God and His creation. But I wonder- were some of WL’s claims due to misunderstanding of the English language? Not trying to make excuses for him, but it just struck me- it’s hard enough at times to discuss deep theology in one’s primary language- but in a totally other language with possibly unknown nuances and cultural implications?? Plenty of room for serious misunderstandings it seems… Just a thought.