Thread: Smoking Gun?
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Old 10-21-2017, 08:54 AM   #68
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Default Re: Smoking Gun?

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
Once there was something contradictory in one of the messages. Some were open to discuss it over lunch and others did not care if Lee was right or wrong. But this is within the realm of normal human behavior I think, as I have asked questions before in churches and people don't seem interested to discuss a matter.
Welcome to the quasi-mystical, hyper-subjective world of the LSM/lc. Some don't "have a heart" to discuss something, or "don't care" about what happened, or "don't seem interested" in it. Because they know that if they do have a heart, or do care, or do express interest, they'll be marked out. And if they persist in their interest, or attention, or caring, they'll be expelled, as being not "one" with leadership, who don't care, and are not interested, and don't have a heart.

None of this is formally explicated on paper, so as not to leave a smoking gun. But at some point you'll learn this is how it is. Someone will say, "I only care for life", which means, "I've learned to keep my mouth shut".

Every now and then someone will inadvertently spill the beans. When one son of Witness Lee was repeatedly caught, en flagrante even, the now-Blended said that he was proud to be an ostrich with his head stuck in the sand.

But usually you get mumbo-jumbo with a spiritual sheen.
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