Gideon>"I wonder if I might respectfully ask- how do you view the various allegations concerning the LC? .......I’m not trying to be rude or challenge you in any disrespectful way- but any feedback here? Thx!"
Certainly Gideon. That's what we are here for.
My view is this. There are three broad categories to address your question about allegations. The first is about truth, and concerns the beliefs and teachings of the local churches. The second is about life, and is closely linked to the first and concerns the practices in the local churches. The third is related to the work and the majority of the allegations in this forum are animated about this one. Even when discussing the first or second some will invariably retreat to the third.
Concerning truth. The ministry in the Lords Recovery adheres to fundamental bible teaching concerning the Person and work of Jesus Christ. There is no departure from fundamental Christianity in this regard. What began as the Lords Recovery with Martin Luther progressed to recover the truth concerning the Church and the churches, and the building of the Body of the Christ as Gods NT ministry almost a hundred years ago through Watchman Nee and after his death his coworker Witness Lee. The allegations in this category are largely misunderstandings and the primary scholarly critics upon further review retracted their allegations with the publication "We Were Wrong". Summary of the article found here:
Many of the allegations in this category in this forum are blatantly false such as the recent conversation attributing the statement "The age of the Word is over, it is now the age of the Spirit"" to Brother Lee. He never said that and wouldn't given a his love and life's work with the Bible. That is one example but any desire to understand what Witness Lee taught may be found in the online publications at
Concerning the life practices such as calling on the Lord and pray reading the Word are right out of the Bible. However, though many of us have touched the Lord in a sweet, intimate, and personal way through these life practices some just don't like them so they seek alternative explanations for them like they must be mantras and other such nonsense. Still, no one is obligated to pray read the Scripture or call on the Lord. If one doesn't like it don't do it is my opinion.
The last category is concerning the work and it is here where the fiercest allegations arise and in some cases with legitimate objections. For example, there is no question that mistakes were made when it came to Philip Lee in the management of LSM office. At minimum a workplace harassment should have been filed. If the worst allegations were verified it should have resulted In engaging law enforcement. Some here accuse me of turning a blind eye to this. I don't and never have. As serious as it was, it does not negate everything else. I am just not obsessed with it as others here are. PLs actions never defined my experience of Christ. The misstep his father made in trusting his son did not define my experience of Christ and the Church. The difference between me and others on this matter is that I processed the experience and moved on. Others never moved on and are stuck in events of decades ago. I understand many here were devastated, crushed, and disillusioned about that matter. I get that, but I only care that they are emotionally and spiritually bogged in a slough of discontent and often anger. When I read their posts I pray they will be able to climb out and be at peace with God and men, even fallen men they once put on a pedestal. Perhaps that is another difference between me and others. I never put Brother Lee on a pedestal and my expectations were moderated by the biblical record of the weaknesses and mistakes of his servants.
Other objections around the quarantine of individuals and churches need to be reviewed case by case. I also loved these brothers who were dismissed from the work but I also understand why it happened and the manner in which it went down. Others see it differently and I respect that but we just have to agree to disagree in most cases.
Sorry Gideon, this went on much longer than I intended. Hope that helps explain my views.