Thread: Smoking Gun?
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Old 10-21-2017, 06:54 AM   #65
A little brother
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 286
Default Re: Smoking Gun?

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
Once there was something contradictory in one of the messages. Some were open to discuss it over lunch and others did not care if Lee was right or wrong. But this is within the realm of normal human behavior I think, as I have asked questions before in churches and people don't seem interested to discuss a matter.
That actually bothers me most. This is not the responsiblity of just the leadership but every member to seek the truth. The LC believes it is different but it is actually not, may be worse in certain sense because it claims to have the truth. If someone spends so much time on one man's teaching and doesn't care if he was right or wrong, it is pretty scary. Or may be they just don't bother because Lee is always right.
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