Thread: Smoking Gun?
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Old 10-20-2017, 09:33 AM   #47
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Default Re: Smoking Gun?

Originally Posted by Koinonia View Post
This was and is taught and practiced all the time. College students, "typical Americans," middle/upper-class people, etc., are "good material." Go after those people. We are not here for "good works." Witness Lee and other LC leaders place high value on the outward appearance of success and prosperity.
Paul Hon, in an Anaheim meeting of perhaps 200+ "college-age" trainees, pointed to one male who looked like a spitting image of LA Dodger pitcher Orel Hershiser. "This is what we want", he said.

Point-blank. Now, was Paul Hon "going rogue", or was this simply what was being said from the podium, minus the spiritual trappings? Obviously I think he was following his leader. "Closely following", in LSM/lc parlance.

This of course is my subjective assessment, and is open to question. And I do believe that this stuff never got printed, and cannot be sourced back to Lee, and thus isn't a "smoking gun". But for those of us who were there, that's the way it was.

Again, back to China. William Bennett, whom I cited for my quote, seems credible. The LSM/lc apologists on this forum dismiss his source as some "Chinese villager". But my question is: if you are interested in what the LSM/lc did in China to be able to claim some tens of millions of adherents by the mid-'90s (some of us heard Lee speak this [no, I doubt it ever got printed])?

Did they actually send out millions of tracts with simplistic and borderline-orthodox slogans? What did they say?

Did this quote come from the EL and not the LSM/lc? In other words was Bennet mistaken?

My question is, if you can't trust some "Chinese villager", then who can you trust? Witness Lee? Ha! The Communist Government? Ha! So I'll take the people like William Bennet, and the books I cited, because that's the best source I have.
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'
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