Thread: Smoking Gun?
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Old 10-20-2017, 06:28 AM   #44
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Default Re: Smoking Gun?

Aron>"This shows me that not everything spoken from the podium got printed. So, sorry."

Of course not. Not everyone articulates like Charles Stanley but I imagine even his messages would go through final edits.

Your argument is not logical. It makes no sense that if Brother Lee wanted to influence those following his ministry that he would omit the very thing he wants to influence. Do you think that a conversation about good building material is more controversial than the deification of man or eating Jesus! Was he a man who ran from controversial teachings? Isn't this forum created because he did not? Therefore, there is no reason whatsoever for him to run from a conversation about good building material. Your suggestion that he edited out those things and why they are not there is not logical.

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