Thread: Smoking Gun?
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Old 10-19-2017, 05:44 PM   #24
Join Date: Aug 2016
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Default Re: Smoking Gun?

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
Well then you wen't listening very well.

Did you ever hear Witness Lee say that "the process of sanctification" is only taking place in the Local Church? Did you ever hear him say "if you go away from" the Local Church of Witness Lee you will never be "a great spiritual person", but instead be spiritually "bankrupt"? Well these cult-like declarations came from none other than Mr. Benson Phillips, the President of LSM and undisputed most blended of the Blended Brothers. So where did brother Phillip come up with such absurd notions? He didn't just dream up this garbage from the words of John MacArthur, Billy Graham or R.C. Sproul, now did he? No, he was a devout follower and intense listener to the words of Witness Lee. When I read this scary damnation from Phillips it didn't surprise me one bit. I sat at the feet of Witness Lee for about 2 decades and heard him speak hundreds upon hundreds of "messages" IN PERSON, AND NOT THE EDITED VIDEOS/AUDIOS/PUBLICATIONS. What Phillips said is in perfect alignment with the teachings of Witness Lee, and so are the things aron has recently pointed out.

I believe Drake asked for a quote where Lee said "The age of the Word is over". Where's the quote? Are you saying that you personally heard Lee say this?

I believe some forum members took it from here and similar spurious Chinese websites:

Do we really think that Lee would say the age of the Word is over after having written so much on the Word even a new bible version?

Doctrinally speaking it is the Eastern Lightning who might say the Spirit replaces the Word as they don't regard the Bible, and for this reason this quote is most likely from them, not Lee.
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