Thread: Smoking Gun?
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Old 10-19-2017, 01:20 PM   #20
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: Smoking Gun?


Here are some links which are very informative regarding the LC/LSM's attitude toward other Christians as well as the efforts of other Christians to address issues with them.

Questions and Answers about The Local Church’s Lawsuit Against Harvest House Publishers and Authors John Ankerberg and John Weldon
LINK: Harvest House Lawsuit
This was appealed all the way to the US Supreme Court, but the Supremes refused to hear it.

More than 70 evangelical Christian scholars and ministry leaders from seven nations have signed an unprecedented open letter to the leadership of the “local churches” and Living Stream Ministry.
LINK: 70 Evangelicals Open Letter to LC

Christian Research Institute - We Were Wrong! (Walter Martin wrote a book (The New Cults) and Lee was in it. Lee either threatened or actually filed a lawsuit. CRI was once critical of Lee, under the original Bible Answer Man, Walter Martin. Bible Answer Man's replacement was Hank Haanegraaff who was unrighteous in his takeover of Martin's ministry after his death. Benson Phillips, et al, wined and dined Hank, including a visit to China. As a result, Haanegraaff was flipped by the LSM. These links contain the story and its rebuttal.)

A statement from Walter Martin's family:
LINK: Walter Martin Family

LINK: We Were Wrong!

Responses to "We Were Wrong!"
LINK: Geisler-Rhodes Response
LINK: Jane Anderson Response

As for the enjoyment, etc., you're experiencing now in the LC meetings, I once heard Ray Graver ("Blended") say "There's a hook inside that bait!" In hindsight, pretty scary.


Last edited by Nell; 10-19-2017 at 04:31 PM.
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