Thread: Smoking Gun?
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Old 10-19-2017, 06:49 AM   #13
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Default Re: Smoking Gun?

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Aron>""The age of the Word is over; it is now the age of the Spirit""

What? I never heard this from Brother Lee nor anything like it. His life's work was completely centered on Life studies of the Bible followed by Crystallizations of the books of the Bible.

Aron, since you put that in quotes, meaning it is an exact statement, please provide the reference so we can read it in context.

I've heard talk like that too.

Just because LSM won't put that in their books, doesn't mean it is not said publicly.

But for context, oftentimes John 5.39 would be twisted and used as a springboard for dumb comments such as the one aron provided.
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