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Old 10-16-2017, 05:12 PM   #2
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Default Re: Howdy from a Newbie

Welcome to the forum Gideon7!

Most of us former members speak highly of our joyful times with all the brothers and sisters in the LC's. I also was part of two LC plants. I never had serious issues with the saints, and love many of them dearly, but did reach a point where I could no longer stomach the manipulations and the past coverups of the leadership.

The LC's have been taught that they cannot exist without LSM. Unfortunately for every ounce of good, they get a pound of bad. Yes, there are errant teachings like "we become God in life and nature," but worse is the arrogant pride that begins to permeate the members. They truly believe that all churches but themselves are pitiful, fallen, degraded, and divided. Today they manifest Revelation (chapter 3) Laodicea in every way.

I left the LC's in 2005 after 30 years active service as church deacon due in part to a power struggle between our regional leader in Cleveland and the national leaders in Anaheim. My church split in half. Both headquarters demanded that we "stand for the truth," when the truth is that rivalries between leaders should not a affect the church, especially if we truly were "local" churches as we were advertised to be. We became spoils of war. Some LC's had lawsuits, fights, public strife, and many hurting saints. Nearly every church in the region was divided. So much for the ministry that condemns all other Christians for being hopelessly divided.

My personal feeling is that LC healthiness is based on their "disconnect" from LSM or another HQ -- the more LSM and their many programs are held at arm's length from your LC -- the safer the LC will be for your family. Interference and manipulation from HQ has damaged many a LC, and has transformed many an elder / shepherd into merely a franchise manager. Many more gifted ministers and shepherds have been beat up or expelled.
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point!
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