Re: Ron Kangas Message
One of the reasons Christ has delayed his return is that his Bride has not been ready. And preparation for Christ's return is biblical - story of the wise virgins. This is what is meant by "bringing the Lord back". And if anyone thinks the Lord cannot be delayed because He is the all-powerful God, they should read the story of Daniel and the Prince of Persia to see that is not the case. If anyone thinks the Lord is not delayed, then try explain why the apostles expected and even Jesus said "I am coming soon", yet 2000 years later is not here yet. If someone says "I am coming soon" and doesn't, the most likely explanation is they delayed.
The significance of the ground for Christ's return should not be underestimated. The ground is important - consider how much fuss Christianity has made over the centuries about Israel/Jerusalem? Most Christians would realize, I think, that it's not just about having Christ in your heart.
It is not about replicating the early church but providing the right environment for Christ to come back, and I think the right environment would look something like the early church. When Christ returns I don't think he will be stopping by the Vatican and the LGBT church on his way. He will be going straight to the churches which best resemble the church he started 2000 years ago.