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Old 10-03-2017, 08:10 PM   #17
Join Date: Apr 2008
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Default Re: Ron Kangas Message

Originally Posted by Meribah View Post
I have thought about why these people in the LC who are leaders have such a strong desire for control masked as "speaking the one thing", etc. I have this thought to contribute:

They do not think they are coming in to "control" others. They are so blinded to their own real motives that they tell themselves and others that they only desire to "bring things into order" (order=euphemism for control here) or shepherd the saints. Yes, they desire to "shepherd"--but only with the rod of iron. This type of shepherding manifests itself as an absolute inability to tolerate the idea that there might, just might, be a better way or idea or revelation that someone else has.
Well yes, the LC concept regarding shepherding is like a box. It needs to be packaged so it lies within the confines of the ministry. If you try to shepherd outside the scope of the ministry, a brother might find himself negatively labeled even when there is benign intent.
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