Thread: Brainwashing
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Old 09-22-2017, 03:39 AM   #77
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Default Re: Brainwashing

Originally Posted by aron View Post
The reason I usually avoid the word is it's subjectively tainted with my frustration: those who stubbornly refuse to acknowledge my point of view are dismissed thus. "Brainwashed".

So why did I start a thread with this title? It at least approximates something I'm trying to address, which is how someone gains control over others. I've previously used the word "mesmerisation" to characterise how someone gets others to come under their sway.

But I use the term without understanding the process very well. How does one gain control? I think that the most important thing is, don't let your subject know that you are manipulating them. Get them to agree on some readily-apparent truism, then leverage that with their unmet needs (social approval, belonging, etc) and take them somewhere detrimental, where they don't want to be. When they try to resist, remind them of the agreement that you had at the start, that no one else loves them, that only you know what is best, etc.

I have the right to ask how I got there.

"I have the right to ask how I got there." Yes you do. You even have a responsibility to ask questions...regardless of those who would mock you for doing so. They are only confirming that something is still wrong and they want to shut you up!

How does one gain control?

Luke 21:8 And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them.

How does the word "deceived" sound? "Deceived" has some scriptural authority, which the word "brainwashed" doesn't have.

Chapter 3
Deception by evil spirits in modern times
In the special onslaught of the deceiver, which will come upon the whole of the true Church of Christ at the close of the age, through the army of deceiving spirits, there are some more than others who are specially attacked by the powers of darkness, who need light upon his deceptive workings, so that they may pass through the trial of the Last Hour, and be counted worthy to escape that hour of greater trial, which is coming upon the earth (Luke 21: 34-36; Rev. 3: 10).
War on the Saints, Jesse Penn-Lewis.

Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

This would indicate that not only was Witness Lee a deceiver of the bretheren, but was himself deceived.

Further, from JPL in Chapter 3:

(e) Christ would not have warned His disciples "Take heed . . be not deceived" if there had been no danger of deception, or if God had undertaken to keep them from deception apart from their "taking heed," and their knowledge of such danger.

The knowledge that it is possible to be deceived, keeps the mind open to truth, and light from God; and is one of the primary conditions for the keeping power of God; whereas a closed mind to light and truth, is a certain guarantee of deception by Satan at his earliest opportunity.

Deception is literally the oldest trick in the book. Does this help?


Last edited by Nell; 09-22-2017 at 04:51 AM.
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