Thread: Brainwashing
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Old 09-21-2017, 12:49 AM   #33
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: Brainwashing

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Provide quote please .... "Deputy God"
Here is my quote:

Witness Lee was Deputy God. He was Apostle of the Age. He was the Minister of the Age. He was the Acting God.

Witness Lee was the sole mediating agent between sinful man on earth, and the God of heaven. He was the earthly analog to the ascended Christ.

Aron 9/21/17

I was there for years. I read their works for years afterward to figure out what I'd gotten tangled in. And that's what I found out. There was one Ascended Master, who alone had exalted status. Anyone who got under him got blessed; any who opposed were cursed by God.

The One Publication edict merely codified what had been tacitly accepted along - that henceforth there was to be one unique source of divine supply.
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'
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