Originally Posted by aron
Brainwashing is here defined as: what?
I say it's where people get their minds controlled by an external program, where they no longer think for themselves, but front another's thoughts, will, and desires. Of course in Christianity we willingly accept this. "Not I but Christ".
But I'm not talking about God's Christ here, but rather a fellow sinner.
How do we see brainwashing in the LC? I can think of two examples. First, a poster here recently relates to sharing a song on an LC forum and getting no response. The venue had over 1,000 members but not one admits to enjoying Christian music from outside the LC. That is forbidden territory. They've been programmed to see Christianity as lifeless. So, no music. (even though they use hundreds of songs pre-dating Nee.)
Second, Witness Lee could stand in front of hundreds day after day, and expound line after line, precept after precept, clunker after clunker, and nobody said a word of correction or adjustment. Home-made homelitics without any alloy. Just pure subjective impressions. And not a word of adjustment from anyone.
They were brainwashed. "Witness Lee is always right."
Claims of brainwashing have been tried before against cults such as Scientology but has never stuck because there is no proof that brainwashing is real.
Scientifically speaking, brainwashing doesn't exist or cannot be proven. That's the official position of the APA, after many failed attempts to try and prove it is possible.
Probably the most brainwashing is in the actual belief that one can be brainwashed.