Originally Posted by aron
I had a similar aha experience. I was happily meeting with the LC, went to a church meeting there, was having animated fellowship afterward with a local church elder and one of the members, who was a good friend of mine.
I mentioned something that I had enjoyed tremendously. It was a real vision from the Lord, and it was right there in God's word.
The elder stopped talking and sat there, looking straight ahead, and the other brother looked at the elder and froze. So we all sat there for I don't know how long. I think the elder was stuck. He couldn't say what I had seen was wrong. Because there it was. But you see, Witness Lee hadn't covered this, evidently, so he couldn't wave the ministry. So he just shut down. He simply couldn't acknowledge my speaking. His program didn't cover this. And the other brother shut down as well.
That really woke me up. If you get any life or light in the word, they don't care. They just want the ministry; the so-called interpreted word. Well, I was there, interpreting the word, and they couldn't say that I was off. But I wasn't the "ministry" so they just froze me out.
Kinda made it clear for me.
That's funny.
Reminds me of that old 60's sci-fi TV series called Lost In Space, where the robot gets stumped and says, "Does not compute, Does not compute, ..."
I liked that show! Watch this: