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Old 04-18-2009, 07:32 AM   #155
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Posts: 282
Default Re: LSM vs the Midwest

Hello dear ones,

SC - thanks so much for the in-depth update. Lots of very encouraging signs there! I have listened to many of the GLA messages to which you have posted links in the past and I do find almost all of them very encouraging and enlightening. The fresh seeking of the Lord which is going on in the GLA really comes through in the speaking of the GLA brothers.

Getting back to IDon'tKnow's question and comments. I remember almost one year ago, at last year's LSM Memorial Day Conference, there was some very strong speaking regarding the need to "retake the ground" in all the "rebellious" localities in the Midwest. In fact, this appears to be have been the seed from which "Gospelize, Truthize, Churchize America" sprang forth. So, while LSM is resigned to the loss of all these dear ones and all these localities, they will gradually be moving brothers and sisters from other parts of the U.S. to "retake" the Midwest. This process of bringing in "out of town loyalists" has already begun in Columbus, OH and Urbana-Champagne, IL.
"The best criticism of the bad is the practice of the better."
Richard Rohr, Things Hidden: Scripture as Spirituality
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