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Old 04-15-2009, 04:52 PM   #152
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 67
Default LSM vs the Midwest

Around the end of Last year I got the impression from one of the conferences that the whole situation in the midwest had been cleared up. Now seeing as how they have moved on to excomunicating (sorry quarantining) Dong Yu I'm guessing that at least from LSMs point of view they've finished with Titus, now it's time to chop off some new limbs.

So the question is what does it look like down on the ground in the midwest, have they managed to smash Titus to the point where his followers are blown around like chaff in the wind, or is just a simple case off all the former churches in the midwest are now considered as being sects and they've raised up a bright shining new churches of 10 people from out of town or loyalists to replace it.
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