Thread: Women's Role
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Old 08-14-2017, 06:56 AM   #121
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: Women's Role

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
I could also quote early church fathers, forbidding female leadership if you like - people who lived closer to the time of the apostles. Or a few good books on Christian history.

During the apostles time, there were no female church leaders. The early church carried on these traditions and still carried on today by Catholic and Orthodox denominations.
The "Lord's Recovery" is the only Christian group I know of that is adamant about no female leadership, yet simultaneously extols females as early church leaders in its own history. Yet none of them could function as they once did, in the current leadership/organizational structure.

Evidently the "dispensation" of female function passed. They were useful for the accretion of temporal, earthly power, then they were cast aside. Now they can be conveniently waved as props, and the next moment put in the drawer. Mesmerised, anyone? (Gal 3:1) How can the flock so passively & uncritically accept such blatant hypocrisy?
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