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Old 07-28-2017, 09:38 AM   #79
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Default Re: Deception versus Willful sin.

Originally Posted by Nell View Post
i.e. those who usurp his headship. And I believe it is a spiritual problem...a spiritual battle. There are 2 "churches": what man calls "church" and what God calls "church".
And yet, the Bible is full of references to things within what is labeled as the church that are not entirely what would be if it was all just wonderfully lead directly by Christ.

It is a spiritual battle. And at times the battle, while not with flesh and blood, will include issues with flesh and blood. And it happens within the church.

What you point to in your "2 churches" comment is the fact that the word is used to label two sets (in the mathematical sense) that have significant overlap. And since they are both referred in the Bible as "church," then it is hard to declare that God only calls one of them "church." He is the inspiration behind it all. Not just the parts that talk about the universal church, the body of Christ.

First, there is the church, the body of Christ. No matter how poor we are individually with respect to each other, that is the true, spiritual church.

But second, there is the meeting which will only be nice and neat if we exclude unbelievers and those of different opinions from joining in. And if we exclude unbelievers from meeting, then we take away at least part of the process by which they might come to believe. In the more modern Baptist sense, you can't have an altar call if you have excluded the unsaved from your meeting.

And even if those who have different opinions meet separately, they are each "church" in the sense that they are assemblies of believers (or primarily so, taking the previous discussion into account). But the view from the throne is of one church, the body of Christ, that is meeting in two places. And meeting in two places is not a problem in itself. We will, in the area in which I live, meet in a significant number of places no matter how much we agree or disagree concerning all those side issues.

And if side issues are not the definer of salvation and of "church," then it is all church.
I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge
OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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