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Old 07-18-2017, 06:39 PM   #15
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: in Spirit & in Truth
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Default Re: LC turned me into a leftist

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
Hi countmeworthy,

I'm still here. I can't comment on San Diego,
Sure you can brother. You choose not to and that is your prerogative. People who I have shared how it was when I got saved and experienced the church life respond positively. They can't imagine our meetings, our fellowship from home to home. YOU CAN! YOU CAN IDENTIFY. But because we are no longer a part of the tumbleweed the LC became, and you love and are loyal to the LSM, you won't comment on our experiences. I am glad you have been reading them though. Thank you.

You wrote:
I cannot draw any link between my experience and the claimed sexism and LGBTXYZQRSTism matters. So I don't have much to contribute except point out a few things.
Briefly, women in the LC/LSM have no leadership roles. Sure they can 'prophesy', which we used to call 'testify' and play the piano, be in charge of 'childrens meeting', cook, clean and fellowship. That's all I will say about that... no need to discuss it.

As for reaching the LGBTQXYZORST, very, very, VERY few Christians know how to reach them. Why do you think the LBGBTQ community has gone 'viral'? I bet JESUS knows how to reach them. It's a piece of cake to HIM. Nothing is too hard for HIM. But He gave us authority and power, Wisdom, Revelation, and Insight on how to reach them. And we don't know how to use our God given anointing in reaching them. The 'law of sin and death' surely can't! It can't reach the heterosexual person. Ya think the law of sin and death is going to fare better with the LGBTQ community?

Hmmm.. I wonder how Jesus would reach them.

Maybe He would talk about Jeremiah 17:9 to them.. explaining how “The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it?

Perhaps He would explain what it is to be unequally yoked and the danger of being unequally yoked. And His Loving Kindness, compassion, and Love would convict them, not condemn them. Maybe He would tell them all what David went through and how he prayed for God to create in him a clean heart. Who knows what Jesus would say to pull them to HIMSELF.

In the LC I know, there are no dress codes,
Not anymore??? Oh. Good to know.

husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends can sit together, although discouraged,
Oh yeah.. and they will make it known!!! I remember a newlywed couple in SAN DIEGO, who were 'counseled' to stop sitting together at the meetings.

However in the early church, they had separated seating for males and females, and women wore head coverings. This persisted until well into the medieval times and later, and the modern concept of males and females together is fairly recent, historically speaking.
Yep.. religion always seems to rear its ugly head... even in the early church!

Rules about female/male interaction are not uncommon in my view in Christianity.
There are so many 'flavors' and 'varieties' in Christianity.. from the luke warm to the ice cold.

I was once involved in an inter-denominational evangelical organization that believed men and women could not hold hands because the tension between them will lead to a 30 second flurry of activity and produce unwanted offspring. They warned us about holding hands in other words.
I've seen that too. I had a neighbor once who did not cut her hair. I went to her 'church' once. All the women had their hair in a bun. Men sat on one side. Women on the other.

the LC marriage is encouraged rather than so-called "Christian dating".
What's the divorce rate in the LC/LSM? I know it's not as low as you may think it is. Reading about the marital problems caused by the LSM teachings is pretty sad. Even if they remain married, there are a lot of unhappy married couples in the LC/LSM ministry.

Baptists seem to encourage long periods of "Christian dating" with many different people which is just a Christian version of worldly dating.
I would not know.

Pentecostals, I don't know what is going on there.
Me either.

The pastors don't seem to address these matters according to the Bible and allow adulterous relationships to continue unchecked.
Yeppers. I witnessed it first hand.

Blessings to you Evangelical.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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