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Old 07-18-2017, 11:28 AM   #11
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Default Re: LC turned me into a leftist

The Old Testament is full of calls for social justice--usually concerning justice and care for the vulnerable (widows and orphans, who in those days were extremely vulnerable).

The Church can and should be involved in this effort. How can we say we care about people if we are not willing to help them with their most practical needs? Certainly everyone's spiritual needs are the long-term priority, but often their physical and emotional needs are the short-term priority--and sometimes the best way to affect the long term need is to focus on the short-term one.

I'm not for "back room and brass-knuckle" politics. But I think there are appropriate ways we can be involved and I think doing so gives glory to God and advances his Kingdom.

I think God is always pleased when we selflessly help "the least of these."
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