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Old 07-17-2017, 03:21 PM   #5
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Texas
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Default Re: LC turned me into a leftist

Welcome, QOTSA

You may be interested in several books written by a woman former member, Jane Carole Anderson. Her first book was The Thread of Gold and is her testimony beginning in her childhood through her exit from the LC. Her newest book is A Woman of Chayil [khah’-yil] which, in Jane's words, "takes an in-depth look at a huge, long-term sin in the body of Christ. This hidden spiritual cancer in the church has been growing for almost two millennia in the wrong relationships that exist between Christian women and Christian men."

In addition, Jane says:
"Let me be clear that I do not consider myself to be a feminist. Rather, I am a free woman in Christ. I have written this book from my perspective as a Christian woman who spent many years in enabling silence, having been subdued and suppressed by numerous Christian men who believed their wrong treatment of me was according to God and His Word. They believed that the Bible they held in their hands supported and even mandated their dominating behavior."

Jane made many of the observations you have made, but takes a different path which you may find interesting as well as biblical.

Again, welcome--
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